Labor, Civil Law, Contracts, Family and Succession, Succession Planning
Academic Background
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from Mackenzie Presbyterian University (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie) (1981)
Specialization in Business Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University (1985-1986)
Specialization in Labor Law and Labor Procedure Law from the University Extension Center (Centro de Extensão Universitária – CEU) (2003)
Member of the São Paulo State Chapter of the Brazilian Bar Association (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil – OAB, Seção de São Paulo) – OAB/SP
Member of the São Paulo Lawyers Association (Associação dos Advogados de São Paulo) – AASP
Member of the Center for the Study of Law Firms (Centro de Estudo das Sociedades de Advogados) – CESA
Member of the Law Firm Association of the States of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (Sindicato das Sociedades de Advogados de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro) – SINSA
Founding member of São Paulo Association for the Study of Labor Relations and Unions (Associação Paulista de Relações e Estudos Sindicais) – APRES (2019)
Chairholder number 31 of the São Paulo Academy for Labor Law (Academia Paulista de Direito do Trabalho) (since 2018)
Special counselor in collective bargaining with the OAB-SP (2014 to 2018)
Member of the Cesarino Júnior Brazilian Institute for Social Rights (Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Social Cesarino Júnior) – IBDSCJ, until 2009
Counselor and treasurer of the São Paulo Labor Attorneys Association (Associação dos Advogados Trabalhistas de São Paulo )– AATSP– (2006-2008)
Participated on thematic committees with the National Confederation of Industries (Confederação Nacional da Indústria) – CNI, until 1993
Member of the Trade Association Department (Departamento Sindical) of the the São Paulo State Federation of Industries (Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo) – FIESP
Appointed by the OAB/SP as its special representative to the Labor Court of Appeals for the 2nd Region (TRT da 2ª Região), to serve on the examination board of the 37th Public Exam for the Position of Substitute Labor Judges (XXXVII Concurso Público para Provimento de Cargos Juiz do Trabalho Substituto)
Portuguese, Italian, French and English
Professional Experience
Ricardo Ammirati Wasth Rodrigues has decades of experience in civil, commercial and labor litigation.
He started his career in 1977, in the food sector with Gupo Santista, a group in São Paulo that had as its flagship S/A Moinho Santista Indústrias Gerais, part of a multinational food company based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bunge & Burn, having occupied several key legal positions in that company during the 16 years that he remained there.
He started as a tax verification advisor in 1977, being transferred in 1979 to its legal department, starting as an intern, and later working with civil, commercial and management contracts, and, finally as a labor law litigation manager, until 1990, when he was promoted to the post of labor and labor union relations manager, a position created by him and held until March 1993, when by a joint agreement with his company, his services were outsourced and he started his first law firm, having been a frontrunner in this model.
He was previously active in law firms as a partner, the last firm being Ammirati & Wasth Rodrigues, Sociedade de Advogados.
He has concluded several professional courses connected to labor unions and trade associations, having as their main focus collective bargaining agreements, in Argentina in 1990, Spain, France, England and Italy in 1992, and the United States in 1995.
He also has attended several others courses during his professional life, in copyright, trademark and patent law, labor routine, labor union law, collective bargaining, among others, including a cycle of studies on the Official Brazil vs. the Real Brazil, organized during 2011by the Brazilian Superior War College (Escola Superior de Guerra).
Mr. Ammirati has vast experience in individual and collective labor law, having worked with due diligence, specialized consulting and labor litigation. In collective bargaining, he worked for several trade associations. He was a collective bargaining coordinator with the São Paulo State Textile Industry Employers’ Association (Bancada Patronal de Negociação Coletiva dos Sindicatos Patronais da Indústria do Vestuário do Estado de São Paulo) in the 1990s, remaining there as an advisor and negotiator until 2013.
He was a legal coordinator with the São Paulo State Textile Trade Association Negotiation Committee (Comissão de Negociações do Sindicato da Indústria Têxtil do Estado de São Paulo) until 1993.
He has provided legal assistance to the Collective Bargaining Group of the São Paulo State Pulp and Paper Trade Association (Bancada Patronal de Negociação Coletiva do Sindicato das Indústrias de Papel, Celulose e Pasta de Madeira para Papel no Estado de São Paulo) from 1996 to date.
In 2019, he joined the firm Filhorini Advogados as a partner, focusing on civil and labor law (individual and collective employment law).